/**/ The Purposeful Wife: Accidentally Green {Book Review and Giveaway!}

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Accidentally Green {Book Review and Giveaway!}

One of the things I love about the world of blogging and social media is the ability its given me to learn more about healthy living, and simple lifestyle changes I can make to actually help my family.

I don't know if you remember it or not, but last October I had the privilege of reviewing and giving away Hilary Kimes Bernstein's ebook, First Bites: How To Instill Healthy Eating Habits During Your Baby's First Year.

Hilary is a fellow contributor with me at A Biblical Marriage. She also has her own blog, Accidentally Green, where she discusses healthy choices we can make that honor God and also happen to help the environment ;). I appreciate her practical, hands-on information, and her interest in putting the Lord and the needs of your family first!

Hilary has just launched another ebook- Accidentally Green: How and Why One Family Began Making Healthy Changes that Honor God and Happen to Help the Environment. In it she details her personal "green" journey; how little by little she was led to switch her personal care and home products for healthier alternatives, how and why she ended up cloth diapering and making her own baby food, the steps she took to preparing healthier meals for her family, etc.

If you're anything like me, you know that there are plenty of changes you probably need to make in this department *cough and blush*. While I'm interested in making changes that improve the health of my family, oftentimes I become overwhelmed by the vast amounts of information, the cost, and the practicality of making such changes. Where do I even begin?!?

Accidentally Green is a great resource for people who, like me, feel overwhelmed by it all. Because it is a personal narrative, the story form was engaging and easy to read. Hilary encouraged me to start wherever I can, and to not be discouraged by all of the things I'm currently not doing- every little change makes a difference and counts for something!

Her story gave me ideas of areas in my own home I can start reforming. And just when I was beginning to feel overwhelmed again, she shared the areas that she still personally would like to improve in {and the ones that she doesn't care to, due to cost and inconvenience!}. Hilary was helpful, Scripture centered, and completely down to earth.

Accidentally Green is available in PDF, Kindle, and Nook formats. Super exciting news- it is going for only $2.99! What a steal!

More exciting news- Hilary has graciously offered to share a copy with one Purposeful Wife reader :)! You know the drill folks; just follow the instructions in the rafflecoptor box below to enter for your chance to win.

What little changes have you made in your home to improve the health of your family? What areas would you still like to grow in? 

Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for my personal review. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Linked with: Women Living Well, A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, and Raising Homemakers.  
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