/**/ The Purposeful Wife: 12 Projects for 2013

Friday, December 28, 2012

12 Projects for 2013

Last week I gave a little glimpse into a few of the new projects I've attempted over the last year (though I forgot to include homemade baby wipes and flower pins/headbands- oops!).

I look forward to keeping up my "domestic momentum" in 2013 by attempting one project per month. Some of the projects are quick and easy, some more involved, and some include dabbling in various recipes and endeavors over an extended period of time.

Here's my list:

1. Make homemade deodorant.
2. Go shampoo and conditioner free.
3. Try the Oil-Cleansing Method of face wash.
4. Learn how to knit.
5. Make homemade vanilla extract.
6. Try Artisan Bread in 5 minutes a day.
7. Soaked grain recipes (utilizing Trina Holden's ebook, Real Fast Food).
8. Make a scrapbook of our engagement photos (someone gave me the perfect book and paper for them years ago, yet its sat collecting dust on my shelf!).
9. Print and organize our family photos.
10. Put together a wedding album (yes, I've been married for nearly five years and don't have one yet).
11. Publish an ebook with my daughter's birth and NICU story.
12. Sew a curtain for S's room.

Why these 12 projects? Some of them will save us money. Some of them will save me time. Some of them preserve precious memories. Some beautify my home. And some of them are to improve our health. These are all important aspects of my role as a homemaker!

Each month I will {attempt} to update you as I complete the projects. Stay tuned!

What projects do you hope to accomplish in the coming year?
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